Sunday, November 27, 2011

NJBIZ Briefcase 003: Games

A cap-and-trade scheme gets dumped, a longtime Columbia Bank fixture rides into the sunset, and New Jersey makes a play to become a top-tier sports destination. All that and more in this week's NJBIZ Briefcase - Episode 003: Games.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

NJBIZ Briefcase 002: Takeoff

High Point Solutions' founders are seeing early returns from putting the company's name on Rutgers' stadium, United Continental's Newark chief is steering the airline through its merger, and a Hoboken arts building is back on the drawing board. All that and more in this week's NJBIZ Briefcase - Episode 002: Takeoff.

Monday, November 14, 2011

NJBIZ Briefcase Ep. 001

It's the inaugural episode of NJBIZ's new weekly podcast, NJBIZ Briefcase. Each week, we'll bring you a summary of news from the next issue of our paper. In this week's edition, we preview the Nov. 14 issue.